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ADS-B Prediction Tool

Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B)
Service Availability Prediction Tool (SAPT)

Outage Summaries available for 2024/07/26 14:43 - 2024/07/29 13:43 UTC
Avionics Outages

ADAPT Authorization Tool

ADS-B Deviation Authorization Pre-Flight Tool (ADAPT)

RAIM Prediction Tool

Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM)
Service Availability Prediction Tool (SAPT)

Grid Display Tool
Airspace Baro-Aiding Outages

RAIM Summary Pages

Phase-of-flight With Baro-Aiding Without Baro-Aiding
En Route view RAIM Summary image view RAIM Summary image
Terminal view RAIM Summary image view RAIM Summary image
NPA view RAIM Summary image view RAIM Summary image
Click on an image to view

OMB No.: 2120-0780
Expiration Date: January 31, 2026

Burden Statement:

A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for these information collections is 2120-0780.

All responses to these collections of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Ave., Washington, D.C. 20590.

Privacy Act Statement (5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(3)):

Authority: Information solicited by the Federal Aviation Administration Access Portal is authorized by 49 U.S.C. § 44718. The FAA authority to release National Airspace System (NAS) data is pursuant to title 49, United States Code (49 U.S.C), section 106, subsections (1) and (m).

Purpose: The FAA Service Availability Prediction Tool (SAPT) is an application used to acknowledge the agreement between the FAA and internal or external individuals seeking access to the tool. The information collected is used to allow a user access to the system services.

Routine Uses: In accordance with the Privacy Act system of records notice, DOT/ALL 13 - Internet/Intranet Activity and Access Records, this information is routinely used to: provide information to any person(s) authorized to assist in an approved investigation of improper access or usage of DOT computer systems; to an actual or potential party or his or her authorized representative for the purpose of negotiation or discussion of such matters as settlement of the case or matter in litigation, or informal discovery proceedings; to contractors, grantees, experts, consultants, detailees, and other non-DOT employees performing or working on a contract, service, grant cooperative agreement, or other assignment from the Federal government, when necessary to accomplish an agency function related to this system of records; and to other government agencies where required by law.

Disclosure: Submission of the information is voluntary, however, failure to submit requested information will result in FAA’s inability to grant you access to the system.